Bluenumber Foundation, a New York 501c3, has been on a mission to change how people use digital identity and benefit from data they create since 2015.
We enable anyone to have a ‘bluenumber’ (B#), a free unique self-sovereign identity(SSI), and a Personal Data Vault (PDV) to own and keep data they create. They also get an SSI wallet to register digital assets and receive credentials to proof data for claims and transactions.
We ensure B# holders behave ethically and respect each others’ data property rights. Data creators choose what data to share, when and with whom. There are full rights of reciprocity between B#s – you must know who knows what about you, and you should know the same about them.
- Our want to develop a ‘data cooperative’ that pays people for data.
- Data is an asset. It is not free.
- People must share in any wealth their data creates in a digital economy.
- Everyone has a right to inform global policy and standards by governments and companies.
- Workers, consumers, farmers need inviolable identity and data property rights to secure their assets in a digital world.
In 1948 the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) enshrined rights and freedoms in 30 Articles, predicated on protection by States.
Today people are described and defined by data. But they do not have rights to their data or data about them.
We want to add a 31st Article to the UDHR.
“Everyone should have property rights to any data they create. Only they can decide what to share, with whom, when and how. Everyone must directly benefit from any value their data created. They have the right to know if any data about them is held by others and her it is used. Everyone has the right to connectivity to enjoy their rights in a borderless digital world.”