
Our Partners

At Bluenumber, we believe in the power of collaboration to drive sustainable impact. Our partnerships span a diverse network of organizations committed to transparency, accountability, and empowerment. Together, we create solutions that connect identities and data, ensuring a fair, inclusive future. Join us in making a positive, lasting difference across communities worldwide.


MillionMakers utilizes Bluenumber’s innovative technology to ensure the ethical sourcing and transparency of global workforce management solutions. By integrating Bluenumber, they validate identities, protect privacy, and foster accountability. This collaboration empowers MillionMakers to offer clients sustainable, compliant solutions, transforming international business operations with trust and traceability at their core.


Sourcery uses Bluenumber for data governance, allowing farmers to retain ownership of their data while trading it. Organized data is sold to related organizations, generating revenue for farmers every time their data is used. This system ensures that farmers are the main beneficiaries, while organizations receive valuable, relevant data.


CIMMYT utilizes Bluenumber for data repatriation, giving farmers ownership of their farm-related data. This data can then be used to join the BCX data market. Additionally, farmers have the potential to connect with companies interested in purchasing their data, enhancing their opportunities for data-driven revenue.