Services for
Buy a Bluechip – Support Us
Our first Bluechip is Christa Barfield’s ‘Beetchip’ to fund the reconstruction of a greenhouse, buy seedlings, hire staff and pay for utilities throughout the winter.
Your Beetchip donation is for Christa to deliver impact in her community in Philadelphia. You own part of her project’s social impact as a Non-Fungible Sustainability Token (NFST) digital asset.
Core services
→B# Single Sign-on (SSO). A person creates their own B#SSI with their mobile number and receives OTP credentials for any service or app in the B# Ecosystem. They own all data they create.
→BlueSky™ Control Tower. Organizations manage their data vault, SSI wallet and functions to connect, deploy ODK surveys and credential B# holders with consent
→B# App and BlueSky™ are reciprocal services for people and organizations to operate ethically with each other in the B# Ecosystem.